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Store Policy

Welcome to the Galaxy Apparel (site). Please review the following basic terms that govern your use of, and purchase of, products from our Site. Please note that your use of our Site constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by those terms (the "Agreement").

Galaxy Apparel respects our customers' account information as private and confidential information and will never share this with any outside affiliations or individuals. Your information (we don't store your full credit card number) is secured and encrypted with the Secure Socket Layer Software via PayPal.

Delivery charges may or may not be associated with the purchase of a hat(s). You may pay $.80 USD for a tracking number if we ship the item for free.International buyers please contact us at [email protected] in order to receive a quote for shipping.If you would like to purchase insurance for your item, please notify us in advance, for we are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items after it is shipped.

If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve the site please email me at [email protected]

Your shopping experience is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and please come again soon!